Since 2016, SUN Energy has been involved in the development of over 350 MWp of solar projects in the Asia-Pacific region, encompassing various aspects such as project siting, permitting, financing, market development, and solar leasing.
Our systems prioritize power savings and energy efficiency, and you can remotely monitor your solar system with our IoT-based solar monitoring tools.
Garudafood Manfaatkan PLTS dengan SUN Energy
Cara kerja, Manfaat & Pemasangan Panel Surya
Sistem panel surya - Panel surya dapat menjadi pembangkit listrik mandiri yang lebih hemat dan juga menjanjikan untuk jangka panjang.
Pulau Ndana, sebuah pulau terpencil yang berada di wilayah administratif Nusa Tenggara Timur, kini telah terang benderang dengan adanya sistem panel surya yang dipasang oleh Jelajah Bike dan Yayasan Sinar Utama Nusantara (YSUN).
Scroll through the maps until the pin is directly above your roof
Before proceeding to the result page, please double-check what you have entered in the form.
Property Usage
For Business
Monthly electricity bill
Monthly electricity usage
Current power supply
Electric capacity
What kind of roof structure do you have?
What is Your Roof Frame?
Roof Area (m2)
Full Name
Job Title
Company Name